Archive for January, 2008

Gender-bending factoid of the day

Percentage of American women, age 25 to 29, with a bachelors degree or more: 33. Percentage of American men, age 25 to 29, with a bachelors degree or more: 26. (Source: A just-released report from the U.S. Census Bureau.)

Bill Murray meets Steve Martin?

The good news: The French edition of AWNM just came out. (The book, I’m happy and amazed to say, has now been translated into 16 languages.) The bad news: The way the title is rendered in French, the book bears the same name as a Steve Martin movie. (Actually, maybe that’s good news.) Permalink

McFactoid of the day

Two-thirds of McDonald’s sales come from its drive through business. (Source: WSJ , HT: Fishman)

Factoid of the day, Esq.

“Forty-four percent of lawyers recently surveyed by the American Bar Association said they would not recommend the profession to a young person.” (Source: NY Times, 1/6/08)

Pic of the day: Presidential primary edition

Saul Pink accurately forecasts the ’08 headlines . . . way back in ’07.

Quote of the day: Presidential primary edition

From Iowa winner Mike Huckabee: “Education is only a true education if we’re developing both the left and right brain of the student . . . . Take a room of 5-year-olds and give them a piece of paper and crayon and every one of them draws a picture. When he’s 15 that kid won’t […]

Comic genius

In today’s New York Times, an unsigned editorial blesses the innovative Comic Book Project, a literacy program that “encourages children to plot, write and draw comic books, in many cases using themes from their own lives.” The one-two punch of intrinsic motivation and self-expression has proven to be a powerful learning strategy. What’s more, says […]

The Accidental Innovator

The Economist has a good piece on Evan Williams, the Blogger and Twitter founder whom the paper says “epitomises Silicon Valley’s right brain.” Williams makes a number of interesting observations, including that genuinely good ideas are stumbled upon rather than sought out. The story also mentions that Williams hated his time working at Google, which […]

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