How to Pitch Better: The Rhyming Pitch
Here’s the latest in our series of short videos based on Chapter 7 of To Sell is Human. The message of this one: Perhaps it’s time for you to rhyme.
Here’s the latest in our series of short videos based on Chapter 7 of To Sell is Human. The message of this one: Perhaps it’s time for you to rhyme.
When I ran for Vice President of student council in eighth grade (a long, long time ago), my campaign speech (given once) was a poem. Now I know why I won.
pitches that rhyme stand the test of time
Nice Kathleen!
Leaders are Readers. My rhyming pitch to build interest in a business book club at work.
Processing Fluency
enhances Congruency
Remember this one: “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” It didn’t, and they did. Just goes to show how compelling rhymes can be. Trumping reason, perhaps?
Obstacles take up space, but wisdom can take their place. We are capable of moving a mountain Only when we choose to stop doubting. Life is full of wonder chidren see this adults blunder….
I think we need a revolution to promote literacy and elocution! – from my first book ‘Diamonds in the Desert’.
Rhyming is lovely, but it doesn’t translate. So, if you are looking to attract only an English-speaking audience, rhyme away. If you want to sell globally, I wouldn’t recommend it – unless you want to create rhymes in every language that you are targeting.
Val —
Check out what Haribo, the candy company, does. It has configured its pitches to rhyme in every language where the company operates:
Or a more sticky way… Rhyming can be great, but not if it won’t translate.
Rick —
See my reply to Val above. Or just check out Haribo’s multi-lingual approach to rhyming:
Aquavation is “Motivation Through Hydration!”
I’m a songwriter. I’ve rhymed things so much in my life that I’ve turned away from it. But this is making me think about using rhyme for pitches. Thanks, Dan
what a cliche, I already knew all this
Your pitch will be better when it’s really creative: don’t talk, go into dialogue, work with an attribute and rhyming of oourse. When people see or hear something, they’ll remember. But most important: be yourself, tell people with passion (from out of your heart) about yourself and what you do. I believe the only thing you need to do to pith well, is getting to know yourself and know how to add your qualities to your pitch / life.
Coincidentally only last night someone said to me during a conversation: “you must strive to thrive” and I have not been able to get it out of my head all day for some bizarre reason!
Now I read your post today and I know why it stuck!!
Pitches that rhyme definitely chime in the mind of the receiver!