To thank the several thousand people who have already pre-ordered To Sell Is Human — and to encourage the rest of you — I’ve put together what I’m calling the First Mover Package, a great set of giveaways for people who order the book before publication date.
Here’s how it works.
Anybody who orders the book — hardcover, e-book, or audio from any bookseller — before Noon EST on December 30, 2012, will receive the following:
- A free 23-page PDF workbook, based on To Sell is Human, giving you a two-week plan to get better at selling.
- A free New Year’s Day webinar – with an exclusive look at the ideas, people, and publications I’ll be watching in 2013 and a chance to ask me questions. (We did this for the launch of Johnny Bunko a few years ago – and it was one of the best-received events I’ve ever done.)
- A free customized Field Notes memo book — my favorite notebook of all time, printed in a (very) limited edition batch commemorating publication of the book. Check out the sample above.
- A free  signed To Sell is Human bookplate to slap inside your book.
- A free audio download of a one-hour special edition of Office Hours (which won’t be available anywhere else) featuring exclusive interviews with Robert Cialdini, author of the classic book, Influence, and Adam Grant, the Wharton professor whose not-yet-published study is one of the biggest pieces of news in To Sell is Human.
Once you pre-order the book, or if you’ve done so already, just forward your receipt in any form to [email protected]. We’ll verify it and then send you instructions on how to access your goodies when they’re ready.
That’s it.
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