If you’re a frequent traveler, you should read Michelle Higgins’s firsthand account in today’s NY Times of what it’s like to be flight attendant. On the difference between air travel in the glamour days of the 1960s and air travel today, one three-decade flight attendant veteran says:

“Who would have thought, after 30 years, that we’d be a flying 7-Eleven. You know, I mean we used to serve omelets and crepes for breakfast, and now it’s ‘Would you like to buy stackable chips or a big chocolate chip cookie for $3?'”   

One Response to “Quote of the day: Coffee, tea, or Slim Jim?”

  1. John says:

    I saved this article, because I suspected it would be good, and finally had some time to read it this afternoon. OUTSTANDING reportage. The article really put things in perspective and gave me new respect for flight attendants. We should all be much more respectful and pleasant to these under-appreciated heroes.