Seems to be emotionally intelligent signage week here at the Pink Blog.  Reader Julio Appling writes:

I was in an immense Bangkok, Thailand shopping mall looking for a toilet, but was concerned that the language barrier might be a hindrance. As it turns out, this sign let me know exactly where I should be headed. Even in my mad rush, I found time to snap a photo.

thailand2.jpg[Note: I added the arrow since some folks didn’t grok the humor and empathy at first.]

6 Responses to “Emotionally intelligent signage in a hurry”

  1. James Lytle says:

    The emotional encouragement of this however might be a bit overwhelming if, as they arrive in expectation of relief, they find a line 10 people deep. As the sign designer, I would chuckle to myself. They, feeling my sign oddly unsatisfying.

  2. Kris10 says:

    Considering that other end of the sign appears to be in English, I’m not sure the concern about “the language barrier” is relevant. I suppose it does provide a hint of conflict in the brief narrative, allowing emotionally intelligent signage to sweep in and save the day.

  3. Julio says:

    It was a pretty swanky eight-story mall, with a LOT of signs with Thai text, English text, and pictures. My main concern was that a sign with people figures on it wouldn’t be I assumed it would be.

    People figures with bent legs, however…

  4. Jim Seybert says:

    Do they also have toilet facilities for those of us who like to relax in the john? This one appears to be a special “small bladder” location.

  5. Todd J. List says:

    That’s absolutely wonderful. Thanks to Julio for sharing this.

    DP gets double points for using “grok” in the blog post, too.


  6. Peter says:

    Sorry don’t get it, why are knees bent??