IMG_5180Truth be told, writing a book doesn’t yield many moments of exhilaration. But for me at least, there’s always one: When you see your baby for the very first time. That moment always makes me giddy. (And believe me: giddy is an instrument rarely heard in my emotional orchestra.)

So here, for your viewing pleasure, is the very first copy of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us to roll off the presses. As you see, the truth really is surprising.

If you’re in the mood to be surprised yourself, go ahead and pre-order from this link or the ones to the right. You can also read what’s on the flap here and see something of a sneak preview of the book’s contents in this TED talk.

We’ll be posting details of a month-long book tour and some other cool stuff in the coming weeks. But for now, thanks for indulging me this moment.

40 Responses to “Are you ready to, uh, Drive?”

  1. Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it. Listening to it, actually. Any word re if/when an audiobook version will be available?

  2. Avatar photo Dan Pink says:

    @nick — the audio comes out jan. 21. check,, borders, or your favorite independent.

  3. Tammy Black says:

    Congratulations! Just pre-ordered my copy from my favorite independent bookstore. Now for that gallery of photos of readers, each with the new book in their hands!

  4. Jordana says:

    Oh, I’m SO excited for this one! I actually should buy another copy of A Whole New Mind while I’m at it as my copy is so worn – I’ve read it and reread it several times! Congrats!

  5. Shelley Dolley says:

    Love the image of you being giddy.

  6. Jeri says:

    YOu really should get this out before the big holiday… the guy in Red should be giving this as a stocking stuffer (and I don’t mean the surprised author in his “Red” easy chair looking mighty surprised!) Many are awaiting the release!

  7. Jeri says:

    You really should be “DRiVE”ing a release before the big holiday… the guy in Red should be giving this as a stocking stuffer (and I don’t mean the surprised author in his “Red” easy chair looking mighty surprised!) Many are awaiting the release!

  8. Cath Duncan says:

    Congratulations, Dan! I can’t wait to read it, and to share it with the Bottom-line Bookclub and the rest of my tribe.


  9. laanba says:


  10. Amy Barr says:

    Congrats, Dan. Can’t wait to see “your baby” up close. Look forward to seeing you in the Bay Area for the book tour.

  11. Chris Sweeney says:

    Stationed in Japan. Any chances to see you here during your book tour. “Dan Pink – Live at Budokan” Has a nice ring to it. Congratulations on the new book!
    Chris Sweeney – Yokota Air Base, Japan

  12. Avatar photo Dan Pink says:

    @amy-I’ll be in the Bay Area from Jan. 14 thru Jan 16.

    @chris-There’s a good chance i’ll be japan next year. but filling the Budokan is a taller order. the only way i could do that is if Bono reads the book aloud in between the songs of U2 concert. (which would be fine by me.)

  13. Rachel says:

    Dan, so excited to see your book in hand! I loaned AWNM to a colleague and she stayed up until 1AM on a school night reading it! She’s trying to get copies for our entire staff now. Educators are eagerly awaiting your new book!

    Any chance the book tour includes Germany?

  14. C. A. Hurst says:

    Congratulations, Dan!

  15. Dan

    Drive she said

    It’s not a book about the Cars?

    Sorry I did not realize you had a new opus in the works.

    I guess I will have to mention it in my post Thanksgiving ‘Monday Work Etiquette’ piece since tomorrow is already written.

    ‘The French Guy from New Jersey’

  16. Congratulations!!!
    Looking forward to reading it.

  17. Carla Pitcher says:

    Sing strong, brother!
    (Good strategem not releasing book until after the holidays…well done…it will work, not that you need any help.)
    Thrilled for your success, and that so many of us can hear you! Heck, thrilled to know that there are so many of us!!

  18. Jeri says:

    Since you are sharing tour dates – when will you be in beautiful Chicago? and where?? Thanks!

  19. Avatar photo Dan Pink says:

    @jeri — Chicago is on Jan. 19. Here are the two main events:

    Tuesday, January 19; 12:00 PM
    Union League Club of Chicago (Sponsored by Winnetka Bookstall)
    65 W. Jackson Blvd
    Chicago, IL 606041
    847-446-8880 /

    Tuesday, January 19; 7:00 PM
    Anderson’s Bookshop
    123 W. Jefferson Avenue
    Naperville, IL 60540
    629-355-2665 /

  20. Sachit Gupta says:

    I must say, that’s a great photo.

  21. Sue London says:

    Yea!! Absolutely loved “A Whole New Mind” and you are one of my favorite people on Twitter. Such interesting stuff!

    Are you coming down to TJ’s town, Charlottesville? I see Charlotte on your list (not the same!), but otherwise the closest thing was Falls Church. I know people at UVa if you want to set something up.

    🙂 Sue – [email protected]

  22. Darin Mirante says:

    It’s about time!! If it is half as good as A Whole New Mind then I will be loving it…I’ve had it on my Amazon wish list for months now and officially pre-ordered it 2 weeks ago…thank you Mr. Pink!!

  23. Brett says:

    Looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis (and to reading the book!). Any details yet?

  24. Darin Mirante says:

    In pursuit of my PhD in I/O Psychology I am actually doing my dissertation on whether or not there is a relationship between empathic leadership and employee motivation so your theme of motivation will definitely resonate. I look forward to seeing your research.

  25. Sue London says:

    Should probably also share a true story from last week. While reviewing a recent and challenging project, something that we have the option to repeat in six months, I asked the team what they really wanted out of it. Answers included “to know that we made a difference” and “to see that it mattered to other people.” We also all agreed that if the project had a high enough “coolness factor” that made it fun enough to do again. No one asked for money, time off, or anything else that is a “traditional” reward.

    Yes, I’m looking forward to reading Drive!

  26. Hopefully surprised in a good way when you get the first copy! Congratulations!

  27. Wow! You did it again! An inspiration to me – you get it out there so quickly! Like pancakes off the griddle.

    Do you keep a journal as well as your blog?

  28. Bob Poole says:

    Forever more I will have an image in mind when I see the word giddy in print.

    Congratulations Dan! I’m looking forward to reading my copy.

    (And, the truth is that if there had been a camera around when I first saw my baby, I would have looked giddy too!)

  29. Avatar photo Dan Pink says:

    @Brett — I’ll be in St. Louis on Jan 21. Two events confirmed right now:

    Thursday, January 21; 12:00 PM
    Point of View Restaurant (Sponsored by Left Bank Books in conjunction with St. Louis Business Journal)
    720 Olive St.
    St. Louis, MO 63101
    314-367-6731 /

    Thursday, January 21
    Maryville University Auditorium, 7:00 PM (Sponsored by Left Bank Books)
    650 Maryville University Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63141
    314-367-6731 /

  30. Jeff Gaus says:

    Congratulations! i have been looking forward to this for some time and will pick it up this week. I will be adding it to the Prolifiq management team book club reading list for the end of year Holidays. Kick back and enjoy before the book tour begins.

  31. Just in time for me to add it to my Christmas list.

    Thanks for sharing your tightly strung emotional orchestra with us Dan – this time and always.

    Hoping you’ll come back to Ottawa some time soon. Shame I missed you in Seoul…

  32. Gorgeous baby!! Can’t wait to read it.

  33. Tom Nagle says:


    I am looking forward to the new book. Good cover art (again). I really enjoyed “A Whole New Mind” and “Free Agent Nation.”

    I was just curious as to why would the book be released on December 29th, and not BEFORE the holiday season? Even a week earlier would have easily guaranteed more first-week sales and a bigger bump (from the gift-givers).

    I see that Dan Roam’s book is coming out the same day (no worries, I’ll buy both), so I am guessing there is some publishing house stuff that I am unaware of.

    Good luck!


  34. Avatar photo Dan Pink says:

    @tom — yes, the date choice a publishing industry thing. sigh. in any event, if you pre-order, you’ll likely have it on the 29th — which means you’ll be able to read it that final, dead week of the year and get off to a roaring start.

  35. Pete Savage says:

    Congratulations!! Great picture too. Can’t wait to read Drive… loved your TED talk video.
    – Pete

  36. Shelley says:

    Simply cannot wait! Having a book club with parent about the book! Have been a fan since before seeing you at the NAESP conference in Nashville! And hope to see you in Naperville, IL

  37. Ed Gandia says:

    Congrats, Dan! Really looking forward to this one. Love the TED video, BTW.

  38. Keshia Garnett says:

    I have been anxiously awaiting this title since I heard you speak on C-SPAN. I’ve also got my friends buzzing about it. They respect my opinion because I’m a librarian but I wield my powers respectfully 🙂

  39. role playing game says:

    congrats man, and fyi – that photo of you is far far too funny! Great, thanks for making me laugh, i needed it!