Travel Tip #12 — Never get sick again . . . again
It’s been awhile. But here — in response to astonishingly meager demand — is a new Travel Tip. (To be fully prepared, it’ll help to have seen this one.)
Tip #1 — Never get sick again
Tip #2 — The magic of earplugs
Tip #3 — Four road food rules of thumb
Tip #4 — The rule of HAHU
Tip #5 — More hygiene!
Tip #6 — Staying connected
Tip #7 — Zipping through security lines
Tip #8 — One thing you should never do in a hotel room
Tip #9 — The secret(s) to beating jet lag
Tip #10 — The first thing you should buy
Tip #11 – The hidden benefits of Mickey D’s
Even better than alcohol!
Your bacitracin tip is brilliant, but trust me on the xclear stuff… it will truly change your life. And it’s (relatively) cheap.
PS thanks for doing these, Dan. You’re the road warrior’s road warrior.
I second @Seth’s Xlear recommendation! Using it for almost ten years, since the birth of my kiddo – helped keep even preschooler disease vector’s offerings from infecting the whole family. 😉
@seth — Just ordered! I’ll report back.
Careful not to love it TOO much, though. I was a bit overzealous and got nosebleeds.
Great when used appropriately.
Greetings from London. Thanks for the tips Dan. Seth, love to see you out there recommending things. I have some of the spray now coming to the house. See both of you out there on the road.
I totally thought the cure was going to be chocolate given the Ghiradelli image in the screen still. Damn.
Thank you for sharing this, but I wish I would have seen it a week ago. I just got over pneumonia, went on a flight to North Carolina (from Chicago), and I am back to square one (stuffed up, sinus congestion, cough, and an ear infection). Looking forward to reading through all of your traveling tips and sharing them with others.
OR you could use a q-tip to apply the neosporin!
Hi Dan! We LOVE your video and that you found Nozin! We don’t want you or your readers to be sticking too many things up your nose at airports OR suffering the misery of getting sick on the road – we have coupons, free samples AND larger bottles with over 60 applications available. Sending you an email – Thanks again and so glad to have found you and your site!
Dan, thank you for all your tips…very helpful…and always full of humour.
Just did a quick google search on Nozin…found this warning article…seems ligit…just thought I’d contribute to the conversation.–the-health-endangering-fraud-of-nozin-nasal-sanitizer-which-is-being-spamvertised-everywhere-.html
THANK YOU Dan !!! You’re the man of every situation !!!!
An altogether less invasive 🙂 option but along the same line of thinking, that I have been using for years with similarly positive outcomes are the antibacterial/antiseptic Strepsil lozenge (
Enjoy without the need to invade your nasal passages 🙂
looking forward your tips.