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187 Responses to “Pinkcast 4. Advice from Bob Sutton: Do people leave encounters with you with more energy or less?”

  1. Rob says:

    Great. Love the celebrity guest. Also like the scrawling text pointing to the links below for the research.

  2. Marc Bledsoe says:

    another good nugget with clarification. Really like Bob Sutton and his work.

  3. Tim McClung says:

    Bingo, That is it

  4. Philippe Korda says:

    Excellent indeed! Great to attach the papers so that you can go into more detail if needed.

  5. Audrey says:

    Probably the most thought provoking mini podcast yet. Made me want to watch again to make sure I got it all. Simple, concise, engaging.

  6. Loving the format and these pithy tips…good stuff delivered quickly….leaving with more energy!

  7. Stjeapn says:

    Great question! Would be great to hear the answer also! How to make people get more energy from spending time with us?

    Love the pnkcast!

  8. Melissa Smth says:

    Best Pinkcast yet. Love that we’re left with a question. It makes me want more.

  9. Tricia says:

    I have enjoyed all 4 of the videos, but they have gotten better over time – this one is definitely the best! Both in terms of content and delivery. I also really like the related links below the video so viewers can quickly and easily find additional content if they choose.

    • Holly says:

      I agree with others here — the improvement over time on these has been huge — I think the scroll at the bottom is a good addition — I also like that you say right from the top how long the video will take — not sure why I like that so much, but I do.

      • Dan Pink says:

        Saying how long the video is has been key. One of the many things I’ve learned in these beta tests.

  10. Patty says:

    nice little tip and insight..good reminder of what seems to be obvious but often missed. Thank you

  11. Lauren says:

    Perfect topic and presentation for a Pinkcast – brief, important to know, memorable.

  12. Debbie says:

    Great tip! Quickly brought to mind those coworkers who energize me and those that drain me. Definitely want to be one that energizes others!

  13. Linda says:

    Every podcast is better than the last. The brevity makes them so share-able. Sorry to hear that this is the last one!

  14. JJ says:

    Seems like a fun experiment to try to make sure that people leave you with more energy, no matter what the interaction.

    For fun, I often challenge myself to give a cashier 3 genuine compliments before I leave their line. I’ve noticed that when I do, they come alive and definitely show more energy. I’ll try this elsewhere and see what happens.

  15. Jennifer Cohen says:

    another good one, Dan, love the resources, that’s really helpful!

  16. Mary says:

    I have this one taped where I can see it in my office:
    “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”
    Love the pinkcasts! Timely and relevant!
    Thank you!

  17. Very interesting – we are hiring a few people at the moment, just wondering how we could elicit that at interview/pre job offer?!

  18. Jim Miller says:

    This was excellent!!! I will remember this in my daily encounters and share it with friends and family – thank you.

  19. Susan Chopra says:

    Not much to add other than great stuff! Good content, very thought-provoking and the links are very helpful!

  20. That’s a great tip and it fits the timeframe nicely. It left me wondering about the word “energy.” Professor Sutton is referring to positive energy of course; but then there is the negative kind, usually associated with fear or anger. The classic drill sergeant creates that kind of energy and it produces results too.

    • Rose says:

      Agreed. This was one of my favorite casts so far because it is concise enough to begin using immediately, but also made me want to read more on the study and subject.

  21. Robin says:

    Great video and great tip! Like the special guest! I found the light reflecting on the left background to be distracting.

  22. Nancy says:

    Love the video. Love the message. Love the resources that follow it. Thank you. You have left me with more energy and inspiration!

  23. Verica says:

    Useful as always! Keep on with the exclusive tips!

  24. Enjoyed #s 2 & 4 best. Tone differential with 2 voices, summation of perspectives. Especially stimulating background in #4. Dan, don’t be afraid to look away from the camera especially when the other person is giving tip. See #2. It carries the message of listening more intently (meet their eyes) – and audience takes your cue.

    • kyle meador says:

      I agree with Lisa here, look at Bob as he’s talking. That’s what we do in conversations, meetings, etc. Staring at the camera keeps me subconsciously attending to you instead of really listening to him. As others have said, I’m enjoying where these are going.

      • Dan Pink says:

        I agree with both of you about looking at the guest. Truth be told, one reason I wasn’t looking at Bob is that I was watching the camera to make sure our uneasily propped up tripod wasn’t going to fall.

  25. Annemarie says:

    Watched all four of these now and been thinking about format and value. The content is always good; that’s what we expect from “the brand” (of course!). I’m liking the format as a visual, verbal, energetic approach to the daily/weekly tip. Kind of like MBWA – except it’s CoachingBWA digitized. The tip leads to more content, which I’m consistently clicking on or tucking away for reference or purchase. Thanks!

  26. Sue Ann says:

    Great PinkCast today! Love this nugget of information.

  27. David Antol says:

    I loved it! Very insightful, especially with the explanation of energy level. (BTW – somehow I have missed #3 – where can I find the podcast?)

  28. julie says:

    this is my favorite tip of all of the pink casts!

  29. Lots of meat for such a short video. I am sad that the beta is over, but I am looking forward to what this becomes.

    I love what Bob Sutton says in his 12 Books That Every Leader Should Read (follow the link above). “As much as I admire Malcolm Gladwell, I believe that Dan Pink just might be the most skilled writer we have at translating behavioral science research.” No “might” about it! And now he is not only the most skilled writer, but also a budding vlogger! I, for one, can’t wait to see what’s next.

    Keep up the amazing work, Dan!

  30. Diana Newton says:

    Great question and energy in this one. But I had no idea what the fabled “D. School” is before seeing this, and still don’t. Duh.

  31. Peggy says:

    The short format is perfect for those of us looking for a quick thought to start the day. Today’s tip is on target with an article we are writing on leadership in professional services firms. Thanks.

  32. Jayne Gould says:

    I agree with the other comments. There has been great improvement over time and the latest – the scroll at the bottom is a good addition. I love the links especially to the research for each topic. Looking forward to the next one! Many thanks

  33. Gianluca says:

    I watched all four Pinkcasts – they are excellent and always better. My favorite is the last one because I totally agree about it. Get energized and energize. And the links on the bottom are always a great way to investigate more and fix the messages.

  34. Matt says:

    Another great tip… gives a great way to assess others… and improve yourself

  35. Love the podcasts and have found all the tips good but this is the most thought provoking. Love the extra resources too.

  36. Laura Spies says:

    Best yet. Interesting concept of what to ask yourself and whether you are energizing others or draining their energy. I wonder if it applies equally to introverts and extroverts?

  37. Laura Rush says:

    This definitely makes me pause and evaluate my impact on others and think about how to improve it. Having the additional resources is great – thank you so much.

    • Diana Mitchell says:

      Agree, Laura. I want to be an energizer and be around colleagues who energize me. The podcast was pithy and appears to have broad practicality.

  38. Alison Segebarth says:

    Looks like you’ve got a product – looking forward to more. Like “location” shoot (although a mix of in-office and on location would work just fine). Great guest, great question, LOVE the additional links to drill down further on the speaker/topic. Like the addition of the Pinkcast id – suggest, instead of location add website and repeat it at the end of video too. Also, end with invitation to like it, share it, comment on it. Good timing, pacing seemed fine. One final suggestion – based on rules of improv – to make it appear to be more natural and conversational to have the body language of the “listener” to be oriented to the person that’s talking, not as if you’re waiting for speaker to stop talking so you can jump in with scripted response.

    • Dan Pink says:

      Good advice on a bunch of fronts. One clarification, though: If it’s not obvious, neither Sutton nor I are using a script. We’re both just talking!

  39. Heidi says:

    1) For a low-fi video you’ve done a great job with the audio. Thank you for taking so much care.
    2) This was a fantastic insight. Definitely worth noodling over.
    I’m truly looking forward to more videos in the future.

  40. Kyle Welch says:

    I leave these Pinkcasts with more energy! I love it!

  41. Judith A says:

    Great content like with the previous ones but the change of format is a very point. As a tip, this format seems to me even better.
    Great cast also, a testimony adds a lot of energy (or maybe it’s having two energisers “on stage” that makes such effect !

  42. Cheryl Johnson says:

    Great stuff, once again and echoing all of the other comments. One critical comment for you Dan….. You looked like you were about to burst out laughing or were really pissed off. Try to smile! Look at your guest, and smile at him. Small stuff I know, however, it is the little things that make a big difference. Thanks for the opportunity to view and comment.

  43. Greg says:

    It was really good. I love the timeframe. I was distracted by the scrolling graphic at first, but it reminded me where to look for the research – so a good distraction ultimately.

  44. Nichole says:

    Great tip! Prefer more interaction between you and guest instead of just teeing it up for someone. You seemed a bit uncomfortable and beholding to the script. It’s more exciting when you’re winging it or being more natural like in Pinkcast #2. Can’t wait to see what’s next for the Pinkcast! Keep pushing. Good stuff.

  45. Ruth D. says:

    I love that they are something that I can pick up in a hurry and something that I can use right away (don’t have to go read the book or anything.) I also appreciate that they are not just pop management cliches or platitudes. That’s what makes them energizing for me. Platitudes tend to just make me a little nauseous. Thanks!

  46. Connie says:

    Dan, I’ve been really enjoying these Pinkcasts. They are short, to the point, and revving with your energy. Love them. And, I see that you have that scrolling bar below this time which I liked. I liked the question about whether or not we leave people who engage with us with more or less energy. I think it’s important to know and I hope I’m an energizer (rather than an energy stealer), but how do we know if we leave people more energized or not after they talk to us? Thanks! ~~ Connie

  47. Loved it!! Simple and effective. Also appreciate him making the distinction that it’s not about being charismatic, but about the feeling that the other has your back, and is a good team member. The feeling of support and partnership is key. It was great!

  48. nick jarrold says:

    Great tip and observation…worth trying out.
    Here’e the thing…how do you deal with a ‘mood hoover’ or ‘oxygen thief’? They need to know what the effect of their behaviour can be. Always good to leave with more energy but in some organisations that can be quite rare.

  49. Super – best yet. Good pacing, good length, based on research and important point.

  50. Jill McAbe says:

    Good quick video on the importance of paying attention to the energy you leave behind each time you talk to someone. Thanks Dan and Bob! I refer to this idea in my Leadership training programs as Your Emotional Wake. If you want to dive deeper on this topic and you’re into meditating … Davidji explains how to witness the energy you leave behind in this free meditation on his sound cloud:

  51. Dave says:

    Really like this tip, really makes you think. 2-person format worked well too. Probably my favourite, though I’ve liked them all. Hope they continue, they’re short enough to watch immediately and get a little injection of learning into your day : )

  52. Barb Osterman says:

    Best pinkcast yet. Love the guest appearances. And very useful info, while entertaining at the same time. That’s the secret sauce!

  53. Great Tip! it truly is a reminder to leave more energy. Thanks for the follow up links!

  54. Heather W says:

    While I like the information given during the recording, the format is a little jarring and distracting. This one felt a little less urgent, which is good, but if you could try to find a way to engage with the guest more. I find myself looking for Dan’s reaction, but not getting one. Love the info though

  55. Pamela Slim says:

    Fantastic tip from two of my very favorite men in the world. I am super fascinated to dig into the research around what particular behaviors would drive increased energy in these interactions — my instinct says it would have a lot to do with listening completely and intently, adjusting your energy to be in synch with the energy of the person you are talking to, and doing a lot more asking than telling. Keep up the Pinkcasts!

  56. I really liked this one. Right length, scrolling info was good. Good interaction between the two speakers. Not sure if it was only my computer, but I found the sound was bad. I had my speakers at 100% and it sounded tinny and far away. This would be my only ‘complaint.’ Otherwise, I have enjoyed the Pinkcasts. Informative, educational and fun!

    • Dan Pink says:

      Thanks for the comments. I, too, thought the sound was a little dodgy on this one. We were recording off an iPhone is a space that had some noise. Not ideal.

      • For better sound I advise you to use a Rode Smartlav+ lavalier microphone. You can directly attach it to the iPhone, it’s good, small and doesn’t cost too much. With the right adapter you can even attach two to one iPhone.

        I love how short these videos are!

  57. Heather W says:

    While I like the information given during the recording (the text and so forth), the format is a little jarring and distracting. This one felt a little less urgent, which is good, but if you could try to find a way to engage with the guest more. I find myself looking for Dan’s reaction, but not getting one. Love the info though

  58. Julia Klein says:

    This is great, thanks. Especially like the links and getting a quick way to get into Bob’s work. The quick bite format works really well as something to share with others.

  59. This one is much more focused than past videos and I like that. In general I don’t like unless the subject is visual because I can read much faster. The chatty stuff is a turn off — like when CNN broadcasters started smiling and relating to each other instead of to the news. I don’t want to take the time.

    Although the videos at are very focused and move quickly, it also has transcripts so I can read. (They also have very detailed lists of the contents so you can find a snippet quickly — not required by your videos.

  60. Sharon McCarthy says:

    Love getting just one sound-bite of wisdom, and this was a good one, an unexpected one, too. Listicles just deliver a list of 31 or x number of things I’ll NEVER do, because I’ll have to read and choose. Just give me one, and I can do it.

  61. Brilliant question, and I love the answer I can give myself.

    Please, can we continue to meet like this?

  62. Peter says:

    I’m not sure whether the goal is to make someone feel better or happier. It’s about being energizing, about not reacting to their ideas or questions in a way that zaps that energy. While I’d guess I’d like people to leave “happier,” that’s not always possible. But I do want them taking back negative feedback in a way that makes them want to deal with me in the future.

    In the bigger picture, this was great because I hadn’t really thought about that question as a way to differentiate others. And at the risk of overproducing this podcast, putting some kind of “graphic” that reinforces the message for those who learn by reading might be helpful.

    BTW, I watched this video during my Pomodoro break!

  63. Kevin Martone says:

    This was the best one yet. Felt really actionable – I can see myself thinking about this as I start and end conversations with people. And it’s great to get access to smart people like Bob Sutton.

    The scroll was a good addition to remind us of the links below. The length is great…and easily shareable.

    One update that might make these even better? Include an activity that can help you improve in this area for the future (like the chapter endings in “A Whole New Mind.” Today it might have been a guided roleplay. Or some way to get feedback from your peers about how you are doing on this question – now and after working on it.

    Finally, the audio wasn’t as good in this one, but it was good enough, IMO.


  64. Shayna says:

    Best one yet! Love the message and the tempo- while not scripted, seems you both were in sync and had a plan.
    Short and meaningful message that reminds us all about how to create positive interactions.

  65. Sally Bean says:

    This is certainly an energizing Pinkcast and it’s a really good question.
    I’ve also heard it framed as ‘Are you a radiator or a drain’ (try Googling that)
    As before, the links are great (I love that ‘Orbiting the Giant Hairball’ is in Bob’s list. It’s one of the first books I read when I became a free agent).

  66. Rachel says:

    This is FANTASTIC. I often BURST my energy into a room and have to be very cautious about the air I take, the air I leave, and the overall impression felt. This is a great video – I’d love to have a follow-up, some kind of info graphic that allows us to see the basic principles that energize people. Yes, I will also google Cross’s work!

  67. John Joos (Dr J) says:

    I want more, more, more. I need to share them with my MBA students. This is pure gold.

  68. Judy Thomson says:

    Another great nugget of information! This tip reminded me of Daniel Goleman’s comments in his book, Social Intelligence, about his Harvard professor Bob Rosenthal who “had a gift for emotional uplift”.

    Love the work of Rob Cross so appreciated the link to his work. Liked how you put the question in your presentation–created more impact. Similar to others, I had to crank up the sound on my computer for this podcast–not as good as other Pinkcasts, but still loved it.

  69. Deirdre Marlowe says:

    Great insight/advice. Too bad many managers and leaders do not recognize that this is how their team should feel after meetings whether in groups or one-on-one.

  70. Tom Mackey says:

    Well done. I found Bob’s thank you at the end touching – and energizing.

  71. Chris Reimer says:

    No a-hole rule is an AWESOME book.

  72. Arlene Hougland says:

    Another great tip. I like that you have a guest and it is short and sweet. Also having the links to the person’s books and research is an added bonus.

  73. James says:

    These Pinkcasts are great, Dan! Keep it up!

  74. Nick Boukas says:

    Love it. One thing to add – if you don’t know how you feel after an encounter with someone – they are probably in the less charismatic/motivational/transformational category

  75. Danielle says:

    Great podcast with clear and actionable advice. I especially like that Bob took to the time to make the distinction between an energetic personality and actions we take to encourage others and be a good team member. This tip can work for introverts, extroverts and ambiverts.

  76. Byron Darnall says:

    Thank you P-Cast for offering this opportunity, thoroughly enjoying! What program are you using to produce these shorts?

  77. Mark Fornasiero says:

    Great episode! The suggestion to go to the links for a deeper look at the episode content is a very good idea. We are all just a big bundle of energy. How we choose to manage it and create awareness around it determines the impact we have. Thanks Dan and Bob.

  78. Erina says:

    I think it’s successful because it makes me want to look at the links to find out more. The only thing I can think of to improve is eye contact – Bob didn’t look at the camera enough and Dan looked straight at the camera with a worried look too much. I hope I’m not taking away your energy with this comment!

  79. Bruce Hirshfield says:

    Another great Pinkcast installment. Bob Sutton is a gem of a guy. Thanks for bringing him into the P. This particular presentation had a greater feeling of being rushed than Adam Grant’s. I hope this is not nitpicking.

  80. Stephanie M. says:

    Great advice! Love how the tips are practical, timely and insightful and can be applied immediately. Love that links to other research is included as well. Always Great stuff!!!

  81. The crawl was nice, but a static data display might be worth considering.

    I think this Pinkcast would be even more useful if it oh so briefly touched on the concept of energy. Given the attention Susan Cain has brought to introversion, it would be worth noting that “energy” plays itself out differently for introverts and extroverts. Noting that this doesn’t mean charisma was helpful, but some extroverts might not see introverts as giving them energy or vice versa.

  82. Jim Cull says:

    WOW! So simple to understand, remember and implement. These things are great bye the way!

  83. Christine Hollender says:

    This was the best beta Pinkcast yet. The text scrolling was the right speed and helpful. Eye contact was great (but Dan, you CAN look at your guest once in awhile!) The sound seemed better to me too. Finally, love the links offered. Great job; I’m looking forward to the official launch.

  84. Michelle Ryan says:

    Dan, another great pinkcast, love the short snappy tips, I’ve shared them with other groups who appear to like them as much as I do. I come away always feeling like I want to hear more, would you consider doing some longer versions??

  85. I like the horizontal orientation of the last 3 Pinkcasts…the first one I had to minimize the screen to see the whole picture. I appreciate the “more info” links, and that you are being consistent with the titles so I can easily look up Pinkcast emails.
    In the two videos with guest speakers, I found myself wondering who they were and your relationship to them instead of being focused on the idea you were presenting. That’s probably just the way I process info. In the solo videos, I really liked that you gave simple, executable ideas (timer & writing notes).

  86. Jen McDonald says:

    Nice format, good advice, short and I really liked the ticker-tape across the bottom of the screen pointing to the research. I don’t usually watch videos on the web but I’d watch these. Thanks.

  87. Loved the on site interview.
    Profound question.


  88. Judy Weiskopf says:

    Great video and topic. Simple and concise, yet powerful. One of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” ideas that make so much sense. I like that the key point – the question – was shown in print during the video, helping those of us who also need the visual cues remember it better. I also like the added links for those who want to follow-up.
    Overall, this short format is the kind of video I will watch when I see it in my inbox as long as I know that it is short. If it is much longer, I am likely to “save for later,” and sometimes “later” just never gets here.

    • Dan Pink says:

      “As long as I know it is short” is a really important insight, one I’ve learned from this beta test and one I now take very seriously.

  89. Vivian Baker says:

    Liked the energy, shortness of message and resources below. And it looked like y’all were at an energetic setting.

  90. peter says:

    Like the videos.
    PLEASE don’t auto play.

  91. Jason Taylor says:

    Dan, I love the idea of people being more aware of their own energy. I love the vibe at the dschool (from all I have read and watched). It is manifest that Mr. Sutton and The Kelleyd have captured lightening and tried to release it. IN this framework or through this lens (of energy-giving or depletion), anyone might know what role to play in any interaction. This is profound. Thank you.

  92. Karla says:

    Dan, this the was the best of the series. I like it when you mix it up by talking with other SME’s who give a tidbit to take with you. This is the approach I am taking with my upcoming videos as well. I like that you also put links below the video as resources. Way to go! Best wishes always!

  93. Debra Little says:

    I agree w/ all positive comments already expressed. Insightful, directive, concise, guest, the visual ‘words’ on & links off screen all helpful. Content excellent Pink! What I can add is tech tips. Audio- it’s been OK and ‘decipherable’ in the 4 segments but could be better – easily. I think #1 had best audio. I shoot a lot with iphone & use a Rhode Smartlav mic with Filmic Pro app. I highly recommend the mic -about $79. Visual tips – why did you choose for the 2 of you to be looking down at us in #4? In #1 you went w/ vertical view. It’s gaining popularity but still not considered pro. Was this intentional?

    • Dan Pink says:

      Thanks for the mic suggestion. I’m going to get it. On the different formats, I thought I’d do *all* of these in a vertical format, but lots of people didn’t like that and still prefer horizontal. As for the point of view, it’s largely circumstance and the vagaries of the shooting location — no great intention behind it.

  94. Thanks for creating these Pinkcasts. Like the format- to the point, brief and useful. Appreciated the links to additional resources at the bottom. Would have appreciated that in the others. For example- links to research showing the advantage of note-taking by hand vs typing.

  95. Ruth says:

    I like the way you have mixed up the styles for all 4 Pinkcasts. Personally the 95 seconds was much better, it didn’t feel so rushed. The scroll along the bottom was good and as always the links to the books and additional information is really working.

    As in all the Pinkcasts the subject matter is food for thought. This one really made me think about those interactions which leave me energised and those that just sap my energy and enthusiasm and why. I’m giving real consideration as to how I can improve the way I communicate to leave people energised. I’m a firm believer in behaviour breeds behaviour, so will challenge myself to leave all those i speak to tomorrow energised and see what difference it makes in my environment (not just my workplace interactions).

    I’ve really enjoyed being part of the Beta test, it’s really helped me in the way I am approaching presentations, what to say and what to leave out and just how long is an optimum time to get a succinct message across to people.

    I’m looking forward to more in the future. Keep up the good work Dan, you’re definitely an energiser, and not just with the Pinkcasts, but in your books too.

  96. Walter says:

    This was fun, and a great message!

  97. Lisa Reinhart says:

    As a Dan Pink and Bob Sutton fan, I couldn’t have been more pleased. I also agree with many of the previous comments, in that the information was pertinent, the brief format is effective, and the resource scroll and links offer more meat from this message for those of us who wish to learn more. Nicely done!

    It’s been a privilege to preview this test batch of Pinkcasts. Thanks for the opportunity, Dan!

  98. Dave says:

    I agree with the majority; best Pinkcast yet. The slightly higher film quality was a plus and the tip was a good one. Also, like many, I like the length. Good work and I am thrilled to have been a beta tester.

  99. Jane says:

    Great pinkcast. One suggestion is to add a next step action call at the end. For example, “click on the link below to learn more about Rob Cross’s reseach on what creates energy.” I think it would help pinkcast end with more energy.

  100. Andrew O'Neill says:

    Love it Dan and also Bob (what a lovely man!). I liked how in this short time, you describe a phenomenon that we’ve experienced and then provide a simple test that we can apply to ourselves (but importantly to our colleagues and friends) to help personal growth. Best PinkCast so far.

  101. Duane says:

    Agree with the masses, the scroll is great. On cable news it is just background noise. You tightly related it to the topic providing richer information. Higher quality video is visually more appealing.

  102. Monisha says:

    Nicely done. As said by others, keeping these short and including the time makes me watch more immediately versus putting off until later or never. Loved the guest and the tip. Having the resources readily available is helpful as well. I hope you keep doing these!

  103. Love, love, love this!

  104. Jimmy C says:

    You hit a home run with this one. I really like the orientation of the video and Bob was a fun guest. You voice sounded a little muffled. The Polaroid photos on the wall was a little distracting and macabre – serial killer-like. Adding resources and links to content was a great idea, allows for follow up on this “killer”content.

  105. Chris Bergman says:

    Thank you for the reminder! People don’t always remember what you said or did, but they always remember how you made them feel.

  106. Andrew Smith says:

    This nailed it. I leave the video with a new thought. Can’t beat that.

  107. Dan Clifford says:

    Great tip. You left me with more energy after watching this Pinkcast than before watching this Pinkcast.

  108. Maxine says:

    Thanks for this video–I think the idea is very helpful!
    I did notice that I got all the most valuable information without even watching the video (just from the title: “Pinkcast 4. Advice from Bob Sutton: Do people leave encounters with you with more energy or less?”). Thus, the video actually felt like an antagonist to its title because I did not get too much more information than I already had before I saw it. Bob’s explanation of the question was helpful, but the lengthily introduction felt cumbersome and I felt like I did not gain very much by taking 90 seconds to watch the video and could have just taken 5 seconds to read the title. Probably the video could have been cut in half.
    I’ve really been enjoying the pinkcast! I hope they keep coming.

  109. Debra says:

    Excellent. I love this. The delivery was spot on and it’s a topic that many people should consider when speaking with anyone. Does this person contribute or detract from your overall energy. Well done gentlemen.

  110. Melvin Hall says:

    #ownit Thanks for the great insight.

  111. Linda Roussel says:

    Bravo! Love the Pinkcast . . . short, sweet, to the point, and science based!

  112. Nancy M says:

    Couldn’t ask for more in a 60 second webcast. Great challenge, great learning point.

  113. Danielle says:

    I love the nuggets o’ wisdom, the brevity, the upbeat energy of you and your guests, the feeling that it’s planned but a bit impromptu as well, and the intensity of the videos. In this particular one, however, when I watch at full screen it feels a bit too intense – as if I’m sitting in a chair and you are both towering over me intensely with this wisdom. The angle of the camera is a tad too low. If it were more at face-level, I’d feel as though I were standing with you two, which might feel more inclusive. I know it was a quick setup, which is part of the charm, but I think a balance could be struck between spontaneity and preparation. Just a thought!

  114. Fiona says:

    This is my favorite because it seemed more natural and the question and idea was intriguing.How about opening it to the audience to answer? Then citing “three top responses for leaving people energized” after a certain time? Crowdsourcing. I didn’t like the angle with the two of you looking down, and Dan, you looked nervous and not focused on Bob. Time frame great, energy great. Getting better each time!

  115. Marc Daniels says:

    Dan – another great investment of 90 seconds with a payoff that will last for years. Just one question. How do you come up with the themes?

  116. Steve says:

    Love the format! How in the world did I miss the first 3?

    Short, quick, and to the point. In this crazy, information overload world, these can be watched quickly and you learn something!

    Well done – keep them coming.

  117. Terry Z says:

    Best tip yet. Positive energy is the reason why I consistently attend my aqua zumba class. The teacher holds up a mirror for this teacher to check that I exude that same attitude every day for every student in every class. Hard to be consistent. Thanks for the Pinkcast.

  118. Marco says:

    I really enjoy the short and direct to the point content. There is no excuse for not listening. I like when you have guests and are in different environments. If that’s not possible every time then please have a short story, anecdote or something to help me retain the info and easily retell the lesson to others. Loved the screen shot with the question because I was able to take a screen shot of my phone to remember the tip for later. I like the high energy and urgency to the tone of the message.

  119. RAVI says:

    I liked it and is useful too. I made me peep inside me and think how I can use it in my interactions with other. Really effective.

  120. sara says:

    Love the question and the introduction of a guest into the Pinkcast!

  121. Rita says:

    Dan! I think you’ve got it! Felt you were very present.

    Picked up on how much energy your hand gestures added to the visuals. Great contrast with dark jacket, too.

    Looking forward to finding more idea Easter eggs in my in basket. Yum!

  122. Govinda Rajan P says:

    A good one. The intro was great. Nice to hear other experts talk as well. The short and sweet bits with power messages – this I think is a good combination.

  123. janet says:

    Good question! Thanks for the links to the academic articles. Very helpful

  124. Sidney says:

    I loved it. It’s great to have a visiting expert, famous or not. The setting, including the ambient noise gave the video energy. Only critique is that you seemed a little stiff.

    As usual the content is spot on.

  125. Liv says:

    This was a PinkCast full of energy! I didn’t see much frowning either. I think you got it, Dan.

  126. Mike Raible says:

    Good advice. I liked the crawl and the additional info that came with the video.

    When you have a guest, you still haven’t figured out what to do while the other person is talking.

    Keep up the good work!

  127. Jim says:

    Great content, loving the low tech vibe of these. Would suggest you looking at the person talking when they are answering instead of at the camera directly. Also enjoying the scrolling text. You have a lot of smart friends 🙂

  128. Mike says:

    Love the on location shoot. I also like the links below the video for further information if interested. Again, I really like the time. Short and to the point, Well done!

  129. Chris Goeschel says:

    Spot on! This “demonstrates the message” even as it is delivered. Love it. Like others I will miss these pink casts. I hope they turn into a real offering. If so, I’m in. Thanks!

  130. Andrea says:

    Loved this!

  131. Beth says:

    Good job. Your videos are getting more polished, and yet still retain the friendly, advice-from-a-trusted-mentor vibe. Looking forward to more (and I don’t have a lot of patience for videos, so that says a lot for you.)

  132. Dave says:

    Very glad he said what he said about being exciting and charismatic, because that’s immediately where my mind went.

  133. Eula says:

    I really enjoy these little tidbits and so far believe the content to be valuable. The critique I would offer is that the backgrounds distract me. Both your office setting and the setting in this one are very busy and I find myself trying to figure out what is that? Pictures plastered on the wall and ceiling? Maybe I have a short attention span, but I think you could find a less busy and distracting setting. I want to get the message, not dissect and analyze the setting.

  134. Susan says:

    Great information. Made me really think about the people I interact with and how I interact with them.

  135. Julia Watt says:

    Brilliant…..such a powerful question. Now that is value-add
    in a few short seconds….thank you!

  136. Emma says:

    Great. Love the question, guest speaker and the short, sharp resources to take thinking further. Keep it up.

  137. Mary White says:

    Loved this…short and sweet. I didn’t know Bob Sutton, so was excited to see the research below, or links to his books.

  138. Tracey Lyon says:

    Love the content and guest speaker. Love the shoot being on location! 95 seconds still feels like a great pace an length. Love juicy fast facts based on research.

    The scroll is unnecessary I thought. Distracts from my getting the juicy bits. It’s obvious to me that the links below the video are related.

    Love your summary recap in a couple of lines “Do you leave people with more or less energy?” which leaves me thinking about it and wanting to dig in more. I <3 pinkcasts!!

  139. I agree with comments: great filming on location; guest expert; your recap and question; though most of all, your selection of the expert, research and key topic. This idea about energy and whether one uplifts or drains colleagues is essential in the workplace today. And your 95 seconds with Bob Sutton modeled the information shared. Thank you!

  140. Gina says:

    Dan, this one is my favorite! I like the scrolling information, the length is just right and the topic is really interesting as well. What’s next??

  141. Josie says:

    I thought it was excellent and adding the length of time makes it much more likely to watch at the time rather than saving for future and not getting back to it. From that snippet I would definitely click to watch a longer piece on the “how” of leaving the other more energized as opposed to drained.

  142. Brian says:

    Great tip. To the point, but also leaves the listener wanting more!

  143. Ivan Gribanov says:

    I was watching this video at starbucks on my macpro, headphones on. With the volume all the way up it was still difficult to hear. Maybe increase the range of audio volume. Other than that – very good info, just-in-time as I am working to motivate a couple of salespeople to try different sales techniques!!!!

  144. Ivan Gribanov says:

    btw, just replayed Pinkcast #3 under the same conditions and it was louder!!!!!

  145. Lisa Sansom says:

    Rob Cross? Will have to look him up. I had heard about positive leadership energy through Kim Cameron at U Mich…

  146. Betsy says:

    I loved the idea. It’s profound and important.
    Ideas are somewhat worthless without more depth. “Taking care of your people” – what does that mean? It could mean a lot of things and I think Bob knows some interpersonal strategies but he doesn’t have time to say. How about a trailer like this and then a longer podcast where the idea is unpacked.
    Dan, you look like you are reading a teleprompter vs coming from your center.
    Can I suggest that the word “tip” is such a discount. Here you have this guest speaker and you reduce his wisdom to a “tip”? It’s gratuitous. I know you can come up with better verbiage.
    To do this well is an art, not just a shoot from the hip. You know that. You research your books and do your homework – do it here too. You are on the mark with content but the delivery is off.

  147. Mark says:

    Great! The setting was perfect. Content, guest, and delivery were excellent.

    You still seemed to be reading your lines (are there that many of them) off of a teleprompter – or maybe you were just looking off to the right at the camera person? If you want to reach out to folks who don’t already adore you and your work (as clearly all of us do), I would practice eye contact with the camera (that’s us), because the slightly off gaze adds a (very, very small) unsettling or insincere note.

  148. Mark says:

    I completely revoke my teleprompter comment, having just gone back and read your reply to my earlier feedback. Sorry!

  149. Patti M. says:

    My favorite topic yet. Relevant, useful, timely and easy to apply. Simple, straightforward format continues to work!

  150. Scott Jag says:

    Last Pinkcast? Say it ain’t so! I love these digestible gems.

  151. Karen Woods says:

    Great video! I like the “one, simple idea”. Easy to remember during future conversations. Your intro of Bob was clear and concise – and memorable. I plan to read some of his work. However, I do not remember who Bob referenced – I’ll have to view the video again.

    I love these short pieces. Good info that I can put into practice immediately. I’m sorry this is the last. But, I still dislike having to scroll through all the comments to get to the reply space.

  152. Jim Ullman says:

    Thumbs up on the question and concept. The location I found a bit distracting.

  153. Kate Harvie says:

    As one might expect, the development of the Pinkcasts was reflected as they progressed. This one may have been the shortest and it was in no way less impactful as a result. What struck me about 3 and 4 specifically was how action-oriented they were and how what was discussed could immediately be applied in life. Pretty awesome stuff.
    Thanks for sharing them with us!

  154. At the end I wanted to know one or two ways to help ensure that I am an energizer!

  155. Jared East says:

    Dan, I’m really enjoying what you’re doing with these.

    Guests. Doesn’t have to be always. I enjoyed the ones from Pink HQ too. It was just nice to see you talking with Adam Grant and Bob Sutton. Good taste of what it might be like talking to them.
    Locations. I’ve read about D-School, pretty cool to get a peek inside. It would have been cool to see Adam Grant’s office or a Wharton classroom. Again, doesn’t have to be always, seeing the inside of Pink HQ is interesting too.
    Links. Very helpful.
    Length. Perfect.

    Intro / outro. 3-5 seconds for each is plenty. Example below. (I like your length better, and with your length you can avoid adding the time consuming editing & effects to each episode – make one intro/outro and use it for the series).

  156. Trevor says:

    Good stuff! Makes good sense and I’ve noticed the truth of this…

  157. Susan Rushworth says:

    Great video – my favourite so far.
    I will share this with my current class on Managing for Growth, which focuses on building an organisation that can survive, grow and thrive without the day-to-day involvement of the founder(s). We build on the Clawson definition of leadership, which is “managing energy: first within yourself and then in others around you”. This fits perfectly. Thanks!

  158. Samantha says:

    the tip really resonated with me. I like the 1 topic in a short time format.

  159. Thom Gibson says:

    Dan, are you shooting with an iPhone? If so, I’d really recommend this small microphone you can attach to your phone:

    It’s directional so it will pick up more of the audio that you point it out and get a lot less of the other stuff. Rode is an excellent company. If you’re not shooting on an iPhone, let me know what you are filming with and I can find the most hassle free microphone to attach to your camera 🙂

  160. Sarah says:

    I think this was my favorite so far, because it was new to me, presented in an accessible fashion, and provides an actionable take-away. The camera angle was a little distracting, seemed like Bob was looking down and Dan was looking straight ahead. The resources at the bottom were sufficient–I didn’t particular like the scroll bar; found it distracted from the audio element.

    Love these. Please keep going!

  161. BbO says:

    Great energized flow! Audio attention and agree w Sarah on camera angle, felt a touch of vertigo on this side! Nice take away!

  162. Hmmm…I think, based on the comments, that I’ll need to give this one another look.

    I guess I’ll be the “disagreeable giver” here 🙂

    This one didn’t grab me like the others. The on screen graphics at the start made it feel more “produced” and the distance from the camera was farther away, so I felt less engaged and it lost my attention quickly. I was surprised by that especially because a lot of my current work this year has been focused on energy, so it’s a topic I’m primed to resonate with.

    Also, because it was longer and not as engaging, I ended up putting my phone down and listening to it, rather than watching it. As a result, I didn’t even notice the scrolling graphics.

    Especially when I compare to the first Pinkcast, this felt more like a “staged” video podcast than an off-the-cuff personal video — i.e.. more planned. I prefer the intimate and casual nature of the first one, or the Adam Grant interview which felt more “behind the scenes” and intimate.

  163. Martha Crowell says:

    Loved the content of this piece and the pacing. Sound quality was distracting from the power of the piece. Love the idea of your being able to do these in many places and circumstances. That may mean investing in a little more equipment in order not to have to worry about sound quality, unsteady tripod, etc. I’ll be thinking about the central question of this podcast for a long time. Thank you!

  164. Sara says:

    I agree with the others that this was the best — but what I especially liked about it was that Bob Sutton immediately defused what may have been the obvious assumption about the statement. E.g., this isn’t about being charismatic, it’s about motivation and being a good colleague. That might not have been obvious from the text introduction, but was an important point.

  165. Hi,
    I really loved this one!
    Great, great advice.

  166. Adelissa González says:

    This podcast is very useful. I have been following this advise without knowing. The first time I heard Daniel Pink was at a Montessori conference in Georgia. I was so impressed that I’ve been following his writings since. Thank you.

  167. Kathi says:

    Love Bob Sutton’s work – good to get tips from others too!
    another great one!