Pinkcast 1.10. The most important thing I learned in law school
- The 101 Things I Learned series is a nice example of the 1 percent rule in action. Check out 101 Things I Learned in Business School, 101 Things I Learned in Law School, 101 Things I Learned in Engineering School, 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, and 101 Things I Learned in Film School.
- The law professor who stars in this story is Harold Koh, who — among many other accomplishments — sits in the background of this iconic photo.
I love Pinkcasts. Practical, applicable, and brief. This latest Pinkcast was particularly applicable to me right now. Thank you!
Hi Dan, I’ve seen all your pinkcasts. This is perhaps the best one. Just curious how your book publishers will react to “now you don’t have to read the books”. (LoL).
So, you’re NOT trying to sell us your books? 😉
Dang it, Dan, I could have saved all that time and money I spent on those three books! Everything you espouse is poignant and right and meaningful and necessary. I’m still peeved that you wrote Drive before I wrote it, though. I am thinking about publishing “Ditto: What Dan Pink Says in Drive”. It’ll have one blank page that I can use for signings.
Yours in challenging paradigmatic thinking and leading an evidence-based life,
Howie Milstein
The Institute to Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously!
Another great Pinkcast (as usual). I’d submit this works with 99% of problems / ideas / books etc where there is a sharp peak in the importance-distribution curve.
Unfortunately in the other 1% of problems / cases / books, it’s NOT just about the 1% idea, but 99% of the content is important. In these cases, you simply can’t distill it down to the 1%.
Awesome insight, nevertheless!
Thanks for this! I found you through A Whole New Mind and reference it often in my work and conversations with clients. Great laser question and looking forward to what you have cooking next. Do you find this same question just as relevant when working on a talk?
Definitely your best yet! Great stuff!
What is on the paper pinned at the wall behind you? Just curious … another “golden rule”??? 🙂 Great pinkcast, have read all of these books of yours and still liked to be reminded of the 1% that’s in them.
First, the most useful Pinkcast yet for me. Now, how to boil leadership down to 1%?!
Awesome Pinkcast, Dan!
I always try to take a few moments and watch these as soon as you post a new one. Glad I did today. BTW, the three books you reviewed in 15 seconds are what I consider “must reads” with the leaders I coach.
Thanks for your work!
Another great Pinkcast Dan! This is an especially useful one, as it’s all too easy to get lost in the details when we’re working on big (and even not-so-big) projects.
And I *love* the “!01 Thinks I Learned” series. Lots of great insight in short digestible pieces. I’ve read the Architecture, Business, Engineering, and Film books, but the rest are on my wish list.
Excellent podcast – thanks Dan! I need to do some business planning today – and I’ll be using your ‘what’s the 1%’ suggestion – it may just provide me with some answers I’ve been looking for. Cheers.
Great pinkcast . . . I’ve read all three books and a good synopsis of the 1%!
For me, this was the most useful Pinkcast yet.
And I wish I would have gotten this video before I spent all that time reading your books!
Sometimes we forget about that 1% in our day to day work/life. This a wonderful reminder. Thanks Dan for another great Pinkast.
Dan – I get the 1% concept, but love your books. Will continue to reread them anyway.
Dan great video , very informative and insightful. I have read all of your books and recommend others do as well; even though you captured them in less than 15 sec…….they are worth the read… many of us cannot digest things that quickly. Thanks again
I’m having a hard time seeing how 1% makes up a synopsis of the 100%. Distilling the big idea into just that…a big idea…how is that represented by 1%? I feel the analogy of forest through the trees is a better visual; the forest is the book and it’s main ideas and the trees are those ideas a bit more close up…but the forest doesn’t make up 1% of…the forest.
Have read all three of those books and loved them all 🙂 Look forward to hearing you in the next stopwatch science.
Ah, silly me! I’ve been stuck on the 20%. Still, I have to agree, focusing on the 1% makes much more sense in most instances — even if it’s a bit more challenging!!
Fortunately, I gained much more than 1% of your message – and now to extrapolate and apply to my lifelong love of learning. Love it! Thanks!
Your Pinkcasts deliver on your goal every time. Thought provoking info in a brief video. Only the 1% we need! Thanks Dan.
I have to disagree with this one, Dan. I think people need the 1% AND they need to read your books.
Thanks Dan!!
Exceptional advice.
Thanks for another great nugget of wisdom, Dan! To respond to another comment above, your mini synopses of the books was intriguing -made me want to go back and read the ones I have again, AND, inspired me to buy the Selling book, which I have not yet read.
Dan, how do I know what the essential 1% is?
Sweet! I need to work on better figuring out the 1% of the technical stuff I read.
Even though you gave me the 1% on A Whole New Mind and To Sell is Human I’m still going to read them :). Loved Drive. I’m constantly talking it up.
Thanks again for another great Pinkcast!
Dan, I appreciate your concept, but not the language of “1 percent” which has negative connotations up the ying-yang, and isn’t aspirational, meaning you may have arrived but at the detriment of all others. Moving on…..your concept of what is the central meaning or the “tah dah” is what effects and informs thoughts and actions expanding from that center. Pretty powerful to isolate that one driver.
This is great advice Dan. So often I hear people engaging in never-ending debates over the 99%. I attend business meetings where much of the discussion focuses on the minutia and the 1% seems to get ignored. My action from this is to make an effort in the future to focus on the 1% and help others get there as well. Thank you.
Great advice. Thank you sharing. Need to teach my students that. Keep them coming.
I’m amazed at how much value I get from these quick videos and I believe this is your best one yet. So simple yet powerful message.
Lovely! Now, what’s on the paper taped to your wall behind you?
Good as ever! You’ve given me the impetus to re-read those three books, which you can tell you publisher I purchased. YOU are CHANGING LIVES! Keep on!
Great food for though – as usual.
While this podcast was focused on books or difficult materials and gaining a foothold to understand them, I believe that the message also applies to broader life.
– when meeting someone new, what’s their key (1%) interest or connection point?
– when calling on a new prospective customer, what’s their key (1%) motivator or problem?
– when determining what task to undertake next, what’s the key (1%) that will propel you forward?
Great model!
As always, a Pinkcast that offers smart insights in a punchy, pithy and fun (I know, I should use three “p” words there…) format. And wow, this stuff is free! Thanks, Dan
Clear and concise message. Thanks for the 1% on your fantastic books. I have bought and read them all. They are worth the read!
Great insight as always Dan – but what about the 15 second summaries of Adventures of Johnny Bunko and Free Agent Nation?
As usual, another great (and efficiently shared) message. The 1% rule is useful for focusing and prioritizing, but also as a way to check that we actually fully understand (and can synthesize) what we’re communicating. Bravo and thanks for sharing!
…i still read and reread this books. But thanks you for the 1%.
Cheers from germany,
Wonderful advice!
Now a question – what is that note that you have for yourself, taped on the wall behind you? Will you address this in an upcoming Pinkcast?
Thanks Dan!
I love the 1% idea.
Can you add a video progress bar to your videos please?
Love this Dan. Thanks so much.