22 Responses to “Pinkcast 1.9. Pump yourself up . . . with a question”

  1. I love this as a corrective to the, occasionally, empty praise we pour on ourselves. At some level many of us hear “you can do it!” as a challenge to explain how we can’t. Asking myself if I can do it and then how, allows me to authentically affirm what I’m good at in this instance and prepare for what I need to do.

    Thanks. I always look forward to the Pinkcast.

  2. Raj Menon says:

    This is the age-old, “Bob the Builder” question …which my son would watch as a toddler!
    Can we do this?
    Yes we can!
    Love it…

  3. Jeremy says:

    Great concept. Was this in To Sell is Human or am I completely mentally miscategorizing that?

  4. scott says:

    I read about this in a really good book. What was it called? Hmm. Oh, right, it was To Sell is Human!

  5. Lou Prosperi says:

    Thanks for another great Pinkcast, Dan! Bite-sized wisdom that anyone can find the time to watch.

  6. You are indeed awesome, Dan!

    In addition to, or maybe before the other two interrogatives, how about asking, “Why am I doing this?”

  7. Jill Donahue says:

    Thanks Dan. And a great question for coaching others too I bet – to prompt them to list the reasons why they can.

  8. Walter Akana says:

    Love it! Thanks, Dan!

  9. Yes, I like it because it gives me something to go over again in my mind when I actually come to do the thing.

  10. Ariel says:

    Good way of avoiding excessive self confidence (or should I say “ego pumped irresponsibility”?).

    It’s good to pump up ourselves, and much better if we have a good way to tell good options from bad by emphasizing the viability.

    I liked this one

  11. Jim Cull says:

    GREAT idea! Another prep step. Love it!!!

  12. So fun, so refreshing, and for a confidence coach like me, an important reminder not to get too Pollyanna-ish. Thanks, Dan!

  13. Dan- this is a great approach- reminds me of the power of micro-commitments! I intend to use this with clients, team members and my kids, thanks for sharing.

  14. Bruce Hirshfield says:

    I love this idea, Dan. I’ve also used why me? Keep ’em coming!

  15. I love the Bob the Builder connection…
    Also as stupid as it sounds I find I don’t like being told what to do – even by myself!

  16. Toine says:

    Cool! This is gonna be very helpful during my internship 🙂

  17. Thanks Daniel.

    Here’s one:

    “Why am I doing this?” (To inspire – rather than motivate, which is short-lived)

    One of my favorites.



  18. Awesome ‘share’ Dan! I love the questions and the interrogative process. Definitely worth integrating into my practice.

  19. Tj Rowden says:

    Love it! Coupled with pinkcast 1.7, a person has a powerful one/two combo in terms of fierce focus and successful follow through. I.e., if “should I…” was answered with a “hell yes,” then “can I…” is more likely to be answered similarly! This due to (1) confidence that I am doing something that truly matters most to me, which (2) catalyzes my ability to do so!

  20. Sarah says:

    More awesomeness! Thanks Dan!

  21. Lev Karasin says:

    Absolutely loved this one, I will use it form now on! Thank you Dan.

    Can I do this? If so How!!

    Love it

  22. David Antol says:

    You know Dan, I can use this idea in my classes and coaching clinics. And I will share with my students and coaches how we are doing to do it. Thank you much!

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