Pinkcast 1.9. Pump yourself up . . . with a question
- A good paper to read on this topic is “Motivating goal-directed behavior through introspective self-talk: the role of the interrogative form of simple future tense,” which appeared in a 2010 edition of the journal, Psychological Science.
- A related idea from the sports literature is “instructional self-talk” – that is, silently coaching yourself on technique rather than just pumping yourself up. In general, the research shows that instructional self-talk is more effective for new tasks and for tasks involving precision – though traditional self-talk seems to work better for already-learned tasks requiring speed.
- Distilled to its essence, self-talk might be a choice between this guy and this guy.
I love this as a corrective to the, occasionally, empty praise we pour on ourselves. At some level many of us hear “you can do it!” as a challenge to explain how we can’t. Asking myself if I can do it and then how, allows me to authentically affirm what I’m good at in this instance and prepare for what I need to do.
Thanks. I always look forward to the Pinkcast.
This is the age-old, “Bob the Builder” question …which my son would watch as a toddler!
Can we do this?
Yes we can!
Love it…
Great concept. Was this in To Sell is Human or am I completely mentally miscategorizing that?
I read about this in a really good book. What was it called? Hmm. Oh, right, it was To Sell is Human!
Thanks for another great Pinkcast, Dan! Bite-sized wisdom that anyone can find the time to watch.
You are indeed awesome, Dan!
In addition to, or maybe before the other two interrogatives, how about asking, “Why am I doing this?”
Thanks Dan. And a great question for coaching others too I bet – to prompt them to list the reasons why they can.
Love it! Thanks, Dan!
Yes, I like it because it gives me something to go over again in my mind when I actually come to do the thing.
Good way of avoiding excessive self confidence (or should I say “ego pumped irresponsibility”?).
It’s good to pump up ourselves, and much better if we have a good way to tell good options from bad by emphasizing the viability.
I liked this one
GREAT idea! Another prep step. Love it!!!
So fun, so refreshing, and for a confidence coach like me, an important reminder not to get too Pollyanna-ish. Thanks, Dan!
Dan- this is a great approach- reminds me of the power of micro-commitments! I intend to use this with clients, team members and my kids, thanks for sharing.
I love this idea, Dan. I’ve also used why me? Keep ’em coming!
I love the Bob the Builder connection…
Also as stupid as it sounds I find I don’t like being told what to do – even by myself!
Cool! This is gonna be very helpful during my internship 🙂
Thanks Daniel.
Here’s one:
“Why am I doing this?” (To inspire – rather than motivate, which is short-lived)
One of my favorites.
Awesome ‘share’ Dan! I love the questions and the interrogative process. Definitely worth integrating into my practice.
Love it! Coupled with pinkcast 1.7, a person has a powerful one/two combo in terms of fierce focus and successful follow through. I.e., if “should I…” was answered with a “hell yes,” then “can I…” is more likely to be answered similarly! This due to (1) confidence that I am doing something that truly matters most to me, which (2) catalyzes my ability to do so!
More awesomeness! Thanks Dan!
Absolutely loved this one, I will use it form now on! Thank you Dan.
Can I do this? If so How!!
Love it
You know Dan, I can use this idea in my classes and coaching clinics. And I will share with my students and coaches how we are doing to do it. Thank you much!