22 Responses to “Pinkcast 1.21: The 6 essential lessons of any great career.”

  1. Rick St Jean says:

    I came across research that said, under 30 work on your weaknesses. After 30, work and focus on your strengths.

    • Hi Rick, all depends on your weaknesses. Some things like confidence, and personal areas – making better eye contact and worth focusing on. However, if you are struggling with proof reading, or complicated maths … leave that to someone else and focus on your strengths.

    • Don Winfield says:

      Hi Rick,

      Re: “under 30 work on your weaknesses. After 30, work and focus on your strengths.”

      Your comment would be a lot more valuable if you posted:
      Best – the research source…
      Helpful – who said so…
      Helpful – publication that referenced a source saying that…
      If you can’t remember specifics; any phrases that stick in your mind and any information about context…

      It’s an interesting comment. I would be surprised; but, I have been proven wrong so many times, I just laugh at the next one.

  2. Nancy Stephenson says:

    Loved it! Sent it immediately to 10 different people, including my daughter who’s about to graduate for the 3rd time? 4th time? Who’s counting – she’s playing to her strengths and recognizing there’s no linear plan to life.

  3. Becky Blanton says:

    Yep. Best book you’ve ever written. The truth of the universe there!

  4. James says:

    Really enjoyed this one, Dan! Especially the strategy about persistence trumping talent. Keep the Pinkcasts coming!


  5. Another great pinkcast. I loved readng The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, it’s still on my shelf so I’ll pass it on to a younger client/ friend – sorry that means you’ll miss out on a sale!

  6. Rishabh says:

    Hi Dan. Great advice. Thanks for sharing. This might also help.

  7. Dan this was a great pink cast and it can be more than one minute this one was good. I have read this book and all your books. There is no plan is the way for 21st century leaders and employees alike. However if you go through what deliberate practice is most masters have worked on their weakness. I know you refer Peter Drucker but I think we may need to also focus on some weakness to become better.

  8. David Antol says:

    Loved it, Dan. Can I used this is my class?

  9. I love you Dan Pink.

    That is all. 🙂

  10. Lev says:

    I would add, what you resist persists. Look into the area that you are most resistant in your business or in your life, and watch how changing your career or making changes in your life just keep bringing about the very same thing you resisted, to begin with.

    The way to get out of this vicious cycle is by “transforming your thinking”. (7th lesson)

    As Alber Einstein noted, you can’t fix the same problem with the same thinking that created that problem. You will just create a new problem by trying to solve the problem you were working on. Transform, don’t look for change.
    How to Transform? This will take more than a comment to expand on. Just remember one thing, the reality that you see isn’t the reality that other people see.

    Thanks Dan always a pleasure and enjoy watching your pinkcasts!!!

  11. Colin Myles says:

    Like that you recommended A Man’s Search for Meaning. Wish I had read it earlier in my career. Keep the videos coming.

  12. Excellent advice!! I’ve just launched a book called Ready For A Career Change? Thinks links in nicely! Will share on my fb page!! Thanks Dan!

  13. William says:

    Dan, with graduation upon us in about a week this is timely advice. Go, Johnny, go!

  14. Jadranka says:

    Thank you for constant, irregular and irrelevant inspiration 🙂
    Love&Peace from Croatia

  15. Michael Gilmore says:

    Some truth here but also some things that, like most advice, has more than one side. The two I agree with are focusing your strengths and leave an imprint.

  16. Walter Akana says:

    Excellent, Dan!!

  17. I liked this one!!!,
    Great advices!

  18. Nicolas says:

    Bigger than yourself! Love it and so hard to accept 😉 Great Job Dan. Keep doing the videos!

  19. Darin says:

    Well, like Mike Tyson says…”Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth.”

  20. Excellent summation. I would imagine many will have arguments with some of these, but looking back at 40 I see the wisdom in this. Maybe in another 5 years more of that wisdom will present in my life

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