25 Responses to “Pinkcast 1.8: The power of the 2-minute rule”

  1. Lou Prosperi says:

    Thanks for another great episode Dan!

  2. Love this Pinkcast! Even a procrastinator could get lots done following this rule. Bring David Allan back again. He has tons of knowledge to share I am sure! Thank you.

  3. Love my pink keyboard as well!

  4. I forget this one too often. It’s as powerful as y’all say.

  5. Very effective advice from David Allen. I’ve been using it every now and then, but I’ll now turn it into a new habit! I love this Pinkcast!

  6. Lev Karasin says:

    Awesome tip! Thank you David and Dan

  7. The two minute rule is fantastic. Been an avid GTD’er for over a decade. Such great stuff. Love the Pinkcast! Content in under two minutes. Means it always gets watched with my workflow. 🙂

  8. Andrew Heath says:

    Will start using that from tomorrow! Love these little life/work hacks….

  9. Sarra Laycock says:

    Dank U well. That too way less than 2 mins. Thanks for These Dan, useful and they make me smile. who could ask for more?

  10. robert israel says:

    i gotta say that this two minute rule will revolutionize marital sex. then again, it may not take two minutes.

  11. Tom Mackey says:

    Really excellent … and I found that it works perfectly and people appreciate one not procrastinating!

  12. Kristen says:

    Love this one! And I am saying THANKS to you both in less than 2 minutes, instead of just thinking about it 🙂

  13. Walter Akana says:

    Having used “do it now” for two-minute items for much of my corporate career, I’d say it *mostly* works! The exception, I found, was in putting time into small tasks with insignificant payoffs. So, the other question I’d ask is, “Does this matter?”

  14. Alice Giraud says:

    Awesome! I loved his book too.

  15. Cindy says:

    As I just did… the 111 second PinkCast. Love your episodes – thank you for sharing

  16. Vivian Baker says:

    Love David Allen–even in retirement!

  17. Sarah says:

    Another great tip!! Thanks Dan and David!

  18. Anil says:

    Adding english subtitles/closed captions will make pinkcast accessible to many.

  19. majbritt Sandberg says:

    TIP : I have an hourglass – on my desk (2 minutes) often during the day – I take small breaks, think and then turn the hourglass to get things done in 2 minutes..

    amazed at how much it helps productivity ( sometime have a small competition with myself how much I can get done in 2 minutes)

  20. Gary Pyke says:

    Nice, simple and effective.

  21. Bev Lyseng says:

    Thanks guys!! Best ever!! Happy New (school/work) Year!!

  22. Darin says:

    Great tip! It works for blog commenting action too. Comment started and completed within 2 minutes!

  23. Kristy H says:

    Thank you. This is a hard one for me, but a great reminder.

  24. Karen N says:

    Been using the GTD techniques for years, not only at work but at home. If I see smudges on the oven door, instead of adding it to an unending to-do list, I will just complete it right then. My philosophy is if I can do something in under 2 minutes, I handle it immediately.

  25. Felix says:

    Great tip as always

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