Pinkcast 2.5: Why you should “frame-storm” before you brainstorm
- One of Tina’s most popular books — and a great gift for the young people in your life is What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World. (Buy it at Amazon,, IndieBound, or 800CEOREAD.)
- You can find out more about Tina, her other books, and her ideas on her web site or by following her on Twitter.
Hi Dan,
Another great episode!
Tina description of “frame-storming” reminded me of your discussion of “Clarity” in TO SELL IS HUMAN, where you write “clarity – the capacity to help others see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways and to identify problems they didn’t realize they had.”
It seems to me that what she calls “frame-storming” could be a very useful tool for developing clarity around any type of problem.
Interesting concept of frame storming. It is not easy to fall in love with the problem. I agree with Dan we try to jump to solution mode immediately that’s me as well. However this is good food for thought and for this to work we need to be more deliberate in coming up with solutions to solve problems. Good one.
I once taught a speech course at an army base in Alaska. It was called, Persuasion,
Problem solving, and Public Speaking.
I so which I had had this to think about those many years ago. CG
Dan, I love your shirt vid, and would love even more to share it with my colleagues. But I can’t! Because some of my colleagues are Deaf, and there aren’t any captions. Do you have a captioned bersion? Or Would you consider captioning to make them accessible to a wider audience?
The big idea here is that your first solution to a problem is not likely to be your best solution. This is why working to better understand the problem and its environment is key. My father was a very creative person, but as I watched him deal with a situation, I saw that he spent way more time studying a problem than he did implementing the solution. This allowed him to come up with solutions that were much more elegant that wouldn’t have happened had he just implemented the first thing that came to his mind. Also, can’t wait to summarize your new book at my blog.
Really like this methodology. Definitely going to try it next time I’m looking at a problem to solve with my work
CPS – Collaborative and Pro-active solutions , a model for dealing with children that focuses on collaborative problem solving spends a lot of time understanding the concerns and perspective of the parties before brainstorming a solution –
Tina is absolutely right. In change management consulting, we used to refer to the rush to solution as ‘solutioneering’. Enormous amounts of time and effort would be put into perfecting a solution which was either the wrong solution or a solution to the wrong problem.
My birthday is July 25th! I look forward to my invitation! 😉
“Frame-storming” reminds me of the WRAP process described in Decisive, a book by Chip and Dan Heath, that can help people make better decisions (e.g. when facing a problem). Specifically, the W portion (Widen Your Options) and A portion (Attaining Distance Before Deciding) help people to live longer in the problem (or decision).
It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. Albert Einstein
“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” – Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein said: “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
Yes this is very good information.
I think this is very good.
My birthday is june.
Great tip but the video is a bit hard to watch. Body language: Dan leans in, Tina leans back. Feels like Dan is constantly trying to take over (or perhaps trying hard not to). Interruptions: Dan keeps interrupting, even if with simple verbalizations to show he’s listening. Would be better to let Tina finish her sentences. If the guest were male, would he be doing that?